Admission & Tuition
Typically, families enroll during the period prior to fall, when slots become available. However, we accept children all year long, provided there are openings.
Admission is subject to availability of space, max 71 students.
The admission process is as follows:
1. WAITLIST APPLICATION: Please use the Waitlist Application to place your family on the wait list.
2. VISIT SCHOOL: When your name nears the top of the list, you will be contacted to book an appointment to view the facility and meet the staff. It is advised that you bring your child with you. Tours and classroom visits are generally scheduled Tuesday or Wednesday, 10:00-11:00 AM or 2:30-3:30 PM. Click here for directions and contact information.
3. DEPOSIT: A non-refundable deposit, equal to one week's tuition at the respective rate, is required to secure your slot. Deposits remain on file until your child's last week of attendance. Please note that a two-week withdrawal notice must be given prior to leaving.
Infants (1 month - 15 months)
Full Time: $525.00/week or $2275/month
Toddler (15 months - 2 years 9 months)
Full Time: $500.00/week or $2166/month
Pre-School (2 years 9 months - 5 years)
Full Time: $400/week or $1733/month
Part Time: $90.00 per day (2 or 3 days only)
Half day: $65.00 /day (2, 3 or 5 days per week) 7:30-12:30 only