Our Program
1. Village Pre-School provides a well-balanced curriculum of specific, planned learning experiences that support the social, emotional, physical, intellectual and language development of all children. This curriculum:
a. is developmentally and linguistically appropriate;
b. provides for the development, interests and temperaments of individual children;
c. supports school readiness and/or educational development; and
d. includes goals for the knowledge and skills to be acquired by children in the areas of English language arts, mathematics, science and technology/engineering, history and social science, comprehensive health, and the arts.
2. Village Pre-School has weekly plans describing how program activities support and engage children through specific learning experiences. Such plans are appropriate to the ages and development of the children served, to the length of the program day and to the program objectives.
3. The teachers ensure that:
a. there is a sufficient quantity and variety of materials and equipment to engage all children present in the program;
b. materials and equipment encourage active physical play and quite play activities;
c. materials and equipment are visible and readily accessible to the children in care and are arranged to promote independent access by children;
d. materials that promote imagination and creativity are available;
e. the approved space includes a small, quiet area that is inviting to children, visible to staff, and easily accessible to a child who seeks or needs time alone.
4. Village Pre-School serves nutritious meals throughout the day. Our food service is divided into school year and summer menus that rotate approximately every four weeks. We strive to accommodate vegetarian families and those with cultural and dietary exclusions. An email notification is sent 2 weeks in advance with the menus.
Meals are a FREE service.